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Key Prelander Items for Native Ads

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Native ads are beloved by most affiliates due to the ease of advertising for them and the crazy ROIs you can achieve if you get everything properly set up. There are a few key parts to a successful native ad, and one thing that is often forgotten about is a quality prelander!

Prelanders act as the step between a native ad and the final offer. They serve as the thing that guides potential customers from initial interest to conversion. They are usually simple pages that really push hard to promote whatever the real offer is. So knowing what the secret ingredients are to a successful one can make a big difference!

In essence, prelanders are there to convince and push users towards a desired action, be it a purchase, sign-up, or download! So here are a few things you should know if you want to step up your prelander game!

Why Prelanders Matter

Prelanders play a big role in capturing and retaining audience interest. They provide an opportunity to deliver targeted messaging, address consumer pain points, and showcase the value proposition of the product or service being promoted. 

They show up only for people that already showed some interest in whatever you have to offer (since they have to click on the ad beforehand), so, they have a huge advantage when it comes to convincing users to convert compared to other pages. 

By showing users compelling content and persuasive elements, prelanders increase the likelihood of conversion when they finally reach the offer page.

The Synergy of Prelanders and Native Ads

As you know, native advertising integrates promotional content into the natural flow of the user experience of the page. This often means that it imitates the host page in style, form, and content while promoting a specific thing. This has the positive effect of making it less intrusive and more engaging than traditional display ads. 

But this also means that it sometimes lacks the right “push” to get people to actually convert. And that is where prelanders have a big effect on the user. 

Prelanders work with this native format by providing additional context and information that primes users for the final offer. Its goal is to push the user a bit more to convert to a point where they want to learn more and ultimately take action.

The Key Items To Make Your Prelander Better

After all of this talk, it's time to cover what things you can do to actually improve your prelanders!

1. Crafting Compelling Headlines

The headline of a prelander is the first point of contact between the content and the reader. It's sometimes the only chance you get to catch someone's attention, and having a good headline converts more users than you might expect. 

Consider headlines that catch the user's attention right away and are really interesting to read. Every good headline is clickbaity, and yours should be too, but the thing you can't do is promise things that the users can't find in the text later on. 

You need to adapt so that you deliver on the promised headline, otherwise you might achieve the reverse effect!

Depending on when you read this, we might already have a great article covering proven headlines posted, so keep your eye out for that one!

2. Engaging Visuals

Visuals are the second most important thing that your page can contain. There is this overused saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, but it really is like that!

To make compelling imagery make sure to include colors that pop out, and have images of the product or service you are trying to promote. You can also try to include images of people using it or being happy in general as it's proven that people respond well to images of other people. 

A good indication of what a good and engaging visual is can be found on YouTube. The thumbnails made by the most popular YouTubers are crafted to be attention-grabbing and engaging, so you can copy some of their styles for your visuals!

Of course, when we talk about visuals, it's not only about images but videos as well. Video is slowly becoming the default visual for most advertising campaigns and you should learn how to make compelling videos as well. 

A good place to start is by browsing through online video platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts. The people who are popular there really know how to make the best video for their audience, so try and copy some of their styles and trends to improve your creatives!

3. Good Copy

The body of your prelander is where the magic happens. It's where you have the opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level, addressing their pain points, desires, and aspirations. 

Writing a good copy isn't that hard once you know the basics of what people like and what makes them engage with your writing. One of the most popular concepts is the “slippery slope” where every sentence is supposed to lead to the next, creating an incentive for users to read through the entire copy. 

Creating a compelling story, and highlighting the benefits and features of the product or service is the way to make your copy interesting. Use language that speaks directly to their needs and emotions, and watch as your conversion rates soar.

4. Social Proof

Today anyone can write anything on the internet and promise all sorts of things that they don’t have to achieve. This is why social proof has become an important aspect of advertising. 

Things like testimonials, customer reviews, and images of them using the product or service are key aspects of a good prelander. Just make sure you keep the social proof realistic and include things that people have said and done. 

5. Call-to-Action (CTA)

A prelander without a clear call-to-action is likely to not be nearly as effective as one that has these things figured out. Your CTA should be prominently displayed and action-oriented, prompting users to take the next step in the conversion process.

A lot of affiliates use big words and colorful buttons to make the CTAs more engaging, though there are other ways of achieving this as well. Whether it's inviting them to "Start Your Free Trial Today" or convincing them to "Learn More," make sure your CTA is persuasive and aligned with the desired action.

6. Mobile Optimization

With the majority of internet traffic now coming from mobile devices, optimizing your prelander for mobile is no longer optional, it's essential. 

Ensure that your prelander is responsive, fast-loading, and easy to navigate on smartphones and tablets. A seamless mobile experience not only improves user engagement but also boosts your chances of conversion, as users are more likely to abandon sites that are not mobile-friendly.

7. A/B Testing

Even the best prelanders can benefit from continuous optimization and refinement. A/B testing allows you to experiment with different elements such as headlines, visuals, copy, and CTAs to identify what resonates best with your audience. 

By analyzing the results of these tests and iterating accordingly, you can maximize the effectiveness of your prelanders and achieve better outcomes over time.


Today more than ever, prelanders remain a big part of successful campaigns. By understanding the key components that make up an effective prelander and implementing strategies to optimize them, you can unlock the full potential of native ads to drive traffic, increase conversions, and ultimately, grow your business. 

Remember, making good prelanders is both an art and a science. It takes some time to find the “hidden formula” so don't be afraid to experiment, iterate, and innovate.

Have you made prelanders for your native ads? What is your experience with them? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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