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Set Up Your First Campaign On MGID

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If you are following trends and developments in the marketing industry, you probably know that native advertising is all the rage right now. Unlike classic banner ads, native ads are paid adverts that match the look and feel of the media format in which they appear. They blend in as much as possible, giving the feeling that they are “native” to the page. 

What Are Native Ads?

Usually, native ads are found on social media posts, blog posts, news website articles, and other online content. Native ads fit right in in the host website and look and act like a regular part of it. They usually don’t even sound like regular ads, they try to offer valuable content that is similar to the one the host website is providing. Most of these ads only show that they are ads through promoting the product or service in the last couple of sentences. 

Native ads are written in a way that provides the readers with an interesting article to go through and invest time into. After reading through a big patch of the article, you are enticed to finish reading it until the end. This end is where the sales pitch comes into play. The product or service advertised is usually closely tied to the problem described in the article in the first place. 

But the ad itself is only one part of the problem. Another one that is often overlooked is the advertising platform that you will use for your native ad. One of the platforms that are lately growing in popularity is MGID, and its growth comes from a couple of obvious reasons!

What Is MGID?

Founded in 2008, MGID is an advertising platform that focuses on native ads. Its humble start-up beginnings are now a thing of the past as the company grew exponentially in the past 13 years. All of this growth is not without merit. MGID has invested a lot of effort to get to where they are right now. Currently, They are partnered with around 32,000 publishers all over the world, and the number is growing by the day. They offer diversified traffic and high traffic volumes from audiences in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and many other regions of the world!

MGID specialized in native advertising and so far they have brought many innovations into the industry. Their vision is simple yet powerful, they want to usher in a new age within digital media. Their goal is to help connect brands, consumers, and creators so that they can engage and work together in many ways. This goal is not just empty words, the numbers show that they are actually working hard to get there! 

Currently, they can boast about having close to 900 million unique visitors monthly, with over 185 billion content recommendations! These visitors usually come from Europe (31%), Asia (27%), and Latin America (20%). And most of the traffic (70%) is coming from mobile devices. 

Why Should You Use MGID?

MGID is a great choice for beginners in the native advertising industry as well as the real pros. The platform itself is very easy to use and learn the tricks and tips behind it. This means that even beginners can learn the basics and run successful campaigns through this native advertising network in no time. 

Another thing that sets MGID apart from the competition is its incredible verticals. Promoting products and services within those verticals can be quite lucrative as there is a broad audience available for them. 

Currently, the top verticals on MGID are:

  • Technology and Computing
    Tech is everywhere around us, and it’s no wonder that the vertical itself is so big at the moment. Everyone loves tech and there is a big audience ready to interact with products coming from that vertical. Recently the niche has grown substantially in Europe and it’s bound to grow even further!

  • Shopping
    Who doesn’t love shopping? As global changes close retail stores, online shopping has become the number one place to buy everything you need. This all culminated in massive growth in the eCommerce vertical, especially in parts of Asia like India.

  • Business and Finance
    As people spend more time at home, so do they gain the will to work for themselves and open new businesses. For this reason, business and finance have become one of the hottest verticals in 2021. It has especially grown in the markets of Arab countries, Germany, and the UK. 

  • Dating
    This popular evergreen vertical is always a great place to start or grow within as a beginner. MGID’s dating ads promise to deliver great engagement rates from all over the globe. Especially in parts of Europe and Asia. 

  • Nutra and Health
    Health, beauty, aunty aging, and weight loss are massive niches that most affiliates are well familiar with. All of these niches are in high demand from audiences all over the world, and there is no stopping in sight. 

  • Gaming
    Gaming is one of those verticals that always have massive traffic on them. Niches like gaming services, promotions, and online gaming are the most popular. Most gaming traffic comes from Germany and the US.

  • Gambling
    Casinos, bingo, poker, and much more are all part of the massive vertical that is gambling. This vertical performs well in pretty much all GEOs. 

How To Set Up Your First Campaign On MGID

Now that you know what MGID can do as a native advertising network, it is time to learn how to start on it and create your first ad on the platform! The whole process is streamlined and easy to understand, so we doubt that you will have any trouble starting your campaigns with the help of this platform. But for those who want some extra explanation, here is how to create your first MGID ad!

  • Add Your Budget

    After creating your account, it’s time to get familiar with the dashboard and start creating your first ad. The first thing you will be prompted to do is load up some funds to your account. You can't run ads without money on your account, so you should tend to that first of all. 

    The minimum sum to start advertising on MGID is $100 but this is not the optimal sum to start with. If you can afford to load up with at least $1000, you will get many benefits as well as a dedicated account manager. 

    Minimum bids for countries are the following. Tier 1 - $0.015/ $0.1 per click and Tier 2 countries $0.01 per click. 

  • Your Campaign Settings
    After loading up some money to your account it is time to create the campaigns you want to run. After clicking on the “Add Campaign” link, you will be prompted to enter your campaign name and pick some of the multiple targeting and budgeting options available. 

  • Decide on Your Campaign Type
    Think of this as your campaign goal. MGID will offer you to select product promotions, content promotions, or push as your “goals”. These will determine what your campaigns will get optimized for. 

  • Pick a Category For Your Ads
    After that, it’s time to pick a category you want to appear in. The current major categories are:

    • Automotive
    • Books and Literature
    • Business and Investing
    • Food and Drink
    • Healthy Living
    • Personal Finance
    • Pets
    • Real Estate
    • Shopping
    • Fashion
    • Technology and Computing
    • Travel
    • Video Gaming 
    • And many others  

These are then additionally divided into subcategories that you can select to more precisely determine your category. 

    • Decide Which Language You Are Going To Use
      On MGID each campaign is tied to just a single language. So you will have to pick which language you want your ads to appear in. If you wish to run ads in multiple languages, you will have to create separate campaigns for them. 

    • Adjust Your Targeting
      Targeting is also something you should fill out as soon as possible. There are 5 main criteria to filter out your audience:

      • GEO
      • Browser
      • Browser Language
      • Device OS
      • Connection Type


  • Determine Scheduling
    Your campaigns can run continuously until they run out of budget or you stop them, or they can have a custom schedule. If you want to schedule your campaigns in a specific way, you can select time frames within which your ads will appear. You can select to pause campaigns on certain days or hours of the day, giving you bigger control over your ads. 

    This also goes with your spending limits, which you can adjust to your likings. 

  • Set Up Your Tracking
    Tracking is one of the most important aspects of running campaigns, and MGID makes it simple to set it up with a few clicks. You can monitor your campaigns by using special UTM parameters. Getting the right data is simple, all you need to do is add a tracking code to your pages or use the MGID postback tracking. You can use this data to connect to other services to better track your campaigns and their performances. 

  • Optimize
    After all of this is done and your campaigns are launched it is time to analyze the data you received from them. Use the data to determine where your bottlenecks are and what you can do to improve your campaigns and make them more effective. 

Final Words

Native ads are an incredible way to advertise and their profitability is just another reason why you need to check them out as soon as you can. If you are in search of a great native advertising network, look no further than MGID. This platform has everything you need and more. With it, you can run incredible campaigns and utilize their massive traffic sources to get a lot of eyes on your products and services.

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