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Which Facebook Ad Format Works Best for VSLs?

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Video Sales Letters or VSLs have been a key part of marketing for a long time. Some consider them a vital tool for engaging potential customers, and some consider them a complete waste of time. Even if you aren’t convinced of the power of VSLs, you just might be once you know how to run them, and how to make them work!

VSLs combine persuasive storytelling with compelling visuals to showcase products or services. Unlike traditional sales pitches, video sales letters use a narrative, often with a personal touch, to connect with the audience. They're not just about selling; they're about telling a story that resonates with potential customers.

In the current market, Facebook emerges as a key player, offering a variety of ad formats to host these VSLs. However, creating a compelling VSL is only half the battle; you also need the right advertising strategy to ensure your message reaches the right audience.

This article explores which Facebook ad formats best serve VSLs, with a focus on affiliate marketing. We'll dissect various formats, and provide examples and screenshots, to make sure you have the insights to choose the best format for your campaign.

Why are VSLs important?

These types of ads offer something that most others don't, and that difference is what makes them stand out from the rest. Here are a few reasons for them being so important in the digital marketing world!

  • Engagement

Compared to text or photos, videos usually manage to hold viewers' attention longer. To draw viewers in and hold their attention, VSLs use music, videos, and gripping storytelling. 

You know this yourself as you probably spend way more time watching Reels on Instagram than the regular photo posts. Or if you want a more global statistic, even the most popular platform that offers just images (if they even exist nowadays) is way less popular than an average video-sharing platform. 

  • Credibility and Trust

Well-crafted VSLs can build trust and credibility with the audience. When a potential customer sees and hears a confident and knowledgeable presenter discussing a product or service, they are more likely to trust the information being presented.

This is the reason why these types of ads are so often used in the health industry. Actors portraying doctors (or even real doctors in some cases) manage to be much more convincing in explaining how a product is good for you than a random influencer that you know doesn't care about any such thing. 

  • Emotional Connection

Video allows for the expression of emotions, which can be a powerful tool in marketing. VSLs can evoke emotions that resonate with the target audience, helping to create a deeper connection and motivation to take action.

This is why the scripts behind these ads are often made so that they don't focus on features or prices, but more on how they make people feel and live better lives with the product or service advertised. 

  • Clarity and Simplicity

VSLs can simplify complex concepts and present information clearly and concisely. This is particularly useful when explaining the benefits and features of a product or service. These parts are usually shown at the end of the VSL to ensure that your audience gets the push they need to convert!

  • Increased Conversions

VSLs have the potential to increase conversion rates when used properly. They answer concerns and encourage viewers to convert or carry out the intended action as they lead them through a sales funnel.

In combination with emotions and simple yet clear messages, these can be incredibly enticing to audiences across all platforms, age groups, and interests!

  • Analytics and tracking

They can be easily tracked and analyzed. Marketers can gather data on viewer engagement, drop-off points, and conversion rates, allowing them to fine-tune their strategies for better results.

This way marketers can split test differences like colors, narrators, voices, music, topics, and angles, and see exactly what performs how, and at what point of the video!

Now that we covered the basics, let's explore the Facebook ad formats that can complement your VSL strategy!

1. Video Ads

Video ads are a natural fit for VSLs since they allow you to use the power of video marketing on the world's largest social media platform, Meta. Facebook's auto-play feature ensures that your video starts playing as users scroll through their feeds, grabbing their attention.

To maximize the effectiveness of your video ad, consider the following:

  • Thumbnail

Choose an eye-catching thumbnail that represents the essence of your VSL. For example, if your VSL promotes a weight loss product, the thumbnail could feature a before-and-after transformation.

  • Length

Keep your video concise and engaging, typically between 15 to 60 seconds. Highlight the most compelling aspects of your offer and encourage viewers to click through to watch the full VSL.

  • Captions 

Include captions or subtitles to make your video accessible to viewers who watch without sound.


As an example here is a weight loss VSL that was used on Facebook in the past. It's not the best example as before-after comparisons are now mostly restricted, but the idea should be the same. The thumbnail is eye-catching and the video covers the topic from a specific angle, in this case, it's about a product you can put in your coffee in the morning to ease digestion.

2. Carousel Ads

Carousel ads are an engaging format that allows you to display multiple images or videos within a single ad. This format is ideal for showcasing different aspects or benefits of your affiliate product or service.

  • Storytelling

Use the carousel format to tell a compelling story that leads viewers from one slide to the next. Start with a problem or pain point and gradually introduce your affiliate offer as the solution.

  • Variety

Include a mix of images and short video clips in your carousel to provide visual diversity and maintain viewer interest.

  • Call to Action

Ensure each carousel card has a clear call to action (CTA) guiding users to your VSL or landing page.


3. Slideshow Ads

Slideshow ads are a cost-effective way to create video-like content using a series of images, text, and music. They load quickly and work well for audiences with slower internet connections.

  • Product Demonstration

Create a slideshow that visually demonstrates how your affiliate product or service works. Highlight its unique features and benefits through a sequence of images.

  • Storytelling

Similar to carousel ads, use the slideshow format to craft a compelling narrative that leads viewers toward your VSL.

  • Music and Text

Choose background music that complements your message, and include text overlays to reinforce key points.

4. Collection Ads

Collection ads are designed for mobile devices and provide a visually appealing and interactive experience. They combine a cover image or video with product images and descriptions.

  • Showcase Products

Use collection ads to showcase multiple affiliate products within a single ad. Make sure each product is relevant to your VSL content.

  • Instant Experience

Create an instant experience that seamlessly transitions users to your VSL or landing page when they click on a product within the collection.

  • Compelling Visuals

Invest in high-quality images and videos to make your collection ad visually appealing.


5. Instant Experience Ads

Instant Experience ads are a full-screen ad format that provides an immersive mobile experience. They allow you to tell a complete story and engage users deeply.

  • Storytelling

Craft a compelling story within the instant experience that leads viewers to your VSL as the natural progression of the narrative.

  • Rich Media

Use a combination of images, videos, and carousels to make the instant experience engaging and informative.

  • CTA Buttons

Include prominent call-to-action buttons that encourage users to take the next step and visit your VSL or landing page.

Choosing the Right Format: Factors to Consider

Selecting the right Facebook ad format for your VSL involves considering your target audience, the nature of the product or service, and your campaign goals. Carousel ads are great for stories needing elaboration, Single Video ads for a strong, focused message, and Collection ads for a narrative combined with detailed visuals.


When it comes to promoting VSLs on Facebook, choosing the right ad format is crucial. Each format has its unique strengths, and the best choice depends on your specific goals and target audience. Experiment with different formats and strategies, and don't forget to track your ad performance to optimize your campaigns further.

Remember, a successful affiliate marketing campaign is not just about the ad format; it's also about the quality of your VSL content and the alignment between your ad and landing page. Keep refining your approach, and with persistence and data-driven insights, you'll find the perfect Facebook ad format that works best for your VSLs and drives your affiliate marketing success.

Have you tried VSLs? What was your experience with them? Share it with us in the comments below!

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