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5 Retargeting Solutions To Utilize Right Now

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Affiliate marketing is all about trying all sorts of approaches to get your audience to interact with your products and services. One of the best ways to do this is through retargeting. This allows you to market your products to an audience that is probably already interested in them. And the numbers show just how effective these campaigns can be. By some estimates, retargeting ads are up to 80% more effective than regular ads, and those numbers are nothing to scoff at!

But what are the secrets to great retargeting campaigns? What is the thing that makes them so effective and what are some of the best solutions for it?

What Is Retargeting?

Retargeting is simple. It is a process where you gather information on visitors and other leads that show some interest in your products. This information gathering is usually done through tracking over external websites. After you have enough info on those leads you create retargeting campaigns that specifically target them. The goal of this is to get that audience into the sales funnel again, and in most cases, it is extremely successful. 

Why Is It Important?

Retargeting has multiple benefits. It reminds customers or visitors about your brand and products. This works great as the people who you target with these campaigns already have some experience with your brand and they are more willing to interact with it if prompted to. 

Some of that audience probably converted before or they were very close at least. This means that you probably pushed through that initial barrier that is the hardest to get through. If you know how to properly retarget those people, then they will likely convert this time. 

Retargeting is very effective and it offers great value for the money spent on it. These campaigns are usually highly successful and they can be a vital part of any marketing strategy. Most marketing experts use retargeting campaigns to connect with their customers, increase customer loyalty and make more sales.

What Are Some Great Retargeting Solutions?

Staying on top of the newest tech and utilizing it for your benefit is always a great thing to do. As online marketing has grown immensely in the last decade or so, so has the tech around it. These improvements are often seen as new services, tools, and options that can manage and improve your campaigns in meaningful ways.  Here are some of the solutions for all of your retargeting needs!


Criteo is one of the most well-known retargeting tools. It was launched way back in 2005 and it has evolved quite a bit during its lifetime. It has an awesome remarketing service pack that has over 15,000 publishers with a high-quality inventory. Their networks even include heavy hitters like Instagram, Facebook, and Google! 

This remarketing tool is often used by some of the biggest companies in the industry. Their retargeting solution is easy to use, highly effective, and easy to scale. Criteo focuses on targeting warm leads through highly personalized offers. 

It even offers some nice features such as automatic bidding, creative testing, and help with all aspects of your campaign. Recently they started implementing AI technology into their tool-making it even better. Now Criteo uses a machine learning way of analyzing pixels to gather more information and create better campaigns for its users. 


AdRoll has been part of the industry for over a decade. In that time it managed to become one of the best retargeting tools available. 

Unlike others, this tool focuses on connecting to eCommerce sites and marketing tools. AdRoll is supported for platforms like Shopify, Magento, MailChimp, Marketo, and many others. It specialized in finding and retargeting customers that abandoned carts or left at later stages of the conversion funnels. 

It uses this information to segment audiences based on their traits and behaviors. This gives you the possibility to better target more specific groups. 

This tool is a comprehensive tool that manages to implement multiple solutions inside of its package. It is probably the best tool for eCommerce pages. You should check it out if you plan on doing anything in this niche. 

Facebook Custom Audiences

Even though it has dropped in popularity in the past year or two, Facebook is still one of the biggest social media platforms out there. It serves millions of ads daily and has some of the best interaction rates of any platform. So with all of this, it’s no real wonder that the platform has its retargeting solutions built in. 

Facebook’s custom audiences are one of the simplest tools on the list. It utilizes the Facebook tracking pixel that needs to be inserted on your LPs or product pages. The pixel then tracks users across the web and analyzes their behavior and interests. It then reports all of this to you so you can create custom audiences based on what you want to target. 

Currently, this approach is getting some backlash as companies like Apple are taking a harsh stance on tracking. This is already quite devastating for FB, but it might get worse in the future. So start using Custom Audiences and their full potential now and don’t wait until it deteriorates further. 


If you are in search of a solution that covers brand awareness campaigns then ReTargeter might be the right thing for you. ReTargeter offers several solutions for Web, Search, CRM, Dynamic Retargeting, and audience targeting. 

The platform offers a data-driven, highly targeted advertising solution that is perfect for small advertisers or huge agencies. It uses a wide approach, so it tries to reach new customers as well as find approaches to retarget previous visitors. 

The platform is quite smooth and highly polished. It offers unique features which make it stand out from the crowd. They provide custom solutions that help with campaigns and optimizations of client services. ReTartgeter also focuses a lot on providing transparency, brand safety, and helping get great advertising results. 


Fixel is probably a name you might have crossed if you researched some of the best tools for retargeting. This tool focuses a lot on AI-based data analysis, audience segmentation, and targeting. It uses machine learning to optimize things like visitor interaction, behavior, and preferences. 

Fixel then helps turn all of that data into actionable metrics which you can use to best optimize your campaigns and find ideal ways of retargeting. It usually does this by segmenting the users and then finding the ideal candidates for retargeting. 

Unlike other tools on this list, you don’t have to learn complicated methods or workflows to use Fixel. The entire tool is self-contained and all of it is integrated into existing workflows of your preferred ad platforms. You can use Fixel with Google, Bing, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many more!

Bonus Tips For Retargeting Campaigns

Of course, no list is complete without at least a few bonus tips that you should take into consideration when running your retargeting campaigns!

  • Segment Your Audience

When retargeting, it is important to not treat all of your users the same. Try segmenting your audience as much as possible. That allows you to better personalize your marketing efforts and have more success. 

  • Retarget Based on Site Navigation

Another way to personalize your efforts is by taking into account where users navigated. For example, if someone was at your eCommerce store and navigated to a couple of kitchen utensils, then you should probably retarget them with ads for similar products. 

  • Focus On Search Terms

It is important to know what your customers are searching for. If your customer searched for something like “Coffee machine in New York”, then you could retarget them with ads that say “Coffee Machine Discounts In NYC!”. 


Retargeting campaigns can be incredible assets to your advertising strategy. If done properly they can bring you incredible success with your campaigns. If you want to make sure they succeed, you need to analyze a lot of data and use the proper tools for the job. 

Finding the right solution for remarketing campaigns is not as easy as it might seem in the beginning. There are a lot of tools and methods that you can utilize. But not all of them are ideal for your campaigns. Some work better, and some worse, so it is important to do your research before committing to any particular solution. 

Have you ever run retargeting campaigns? What were your key takeaways from them? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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