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Ad Account Restrictions and Bans for Facebook and How You Can Avoid Them

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Facebook has evolved from being a mere social networking platform to a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audiences. Facebook's advertising capabilities have provided an unprecedented avenue for companies to promote their products and services. And with them acquiring Instagram, WhatsApp, and creating Threads, they are likely to stay on top of the ladder for years to come!

However, with great power comes great responsibility, and in this case, the responsibility lies in understanding and adhering to Facebook's ad policies. Ad account restrictions and bans have become a growing concern for advertisers, potentially hindering their marketing efforts. 

This article goes into the world of ad account restrictions and bans on Facebook, explores the reasons behind them, and provides actionable strategies to ensure your ad account remains in good standing. So, if you are facing any of these issues, you should find some valuable information!

Understanding Ad Account Restrictions and Bans

Before we go deeper into the strategies to avoid ad account restrictions and bans, let's grasp what these terms mean. Ad account restrictions involve limitations placed on your ability to run ads on Facebook due to violations of their advertising policies or other issues. 

On the other hand, an ad account ban is a more severe consequence that entails a complete suspension of your ad account.

Restrictions are a lesser problem, but getting a lot of them in a while can lead to more severe issues with your account, such as worse targeting, more expensive ads, and finally an account ban!

Common Reasons for Ad Account Restrictions and Bans:

There are several reasons why your ad account might face restrictions or bans. It's crucial to be aware of these factors to prevent them from happening in the first place. The following are some common triggers:

Policy Violations: Facebook has strict advertising policies that cover a wide range of content, from misleading claims to prohibited products. Content that violates these policies can lead to ad disapproval, restrictions, or even a complete ban.

Low Ad Quality or Engagement: If your ads consistently receive low engagement rates or are reported by users for being uninteresting or irrelevant, Facebook might restrict your account to maintain a positive user experience.

Payment Issues and Account Security: Payment problems or concerns about the security of your account can also result in ad restrictions. Facebook wants to ensure that advertisers are legitimate and trustworthy.

The biggest problem with policy violations and low ad quality is that you don’t always know what and why your campaigns got restricted. Facebook is notorious for being tight-lipped about what rules you are breaking and their support team is often of no or little help in resolving these issues. 

They have been working on improving the entire process and giving out more information, but the progress is a bit slower than advertisers might have hoped for. 

Facebook's Advertising Policies and Guidelines

To navigate the world of Facebook advertising successfully, it's essential to acquaint yourself with their advertising policies. These guidelines are in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all users. Violating these policies can lead to severe consequences. Some prohibited content includes:

  • Sensitive Topics

Content related to adult products, drugs, and other sensitive topics is strictly regulated. For instance, advertising for tobacco products or recreational drugs can quickly get your ad account banned.

These topics are not just restricted by Meta, they also negatively impact users who see the ads. They usually associate these things with negativity so your ads will surely perform worse than if you decided to advertise positive things instead. 

  • Misleading or False Content

Making false claims about your products or services can lead to ad disapproval. For example, promising unrealistic results from a product can result in a restriction.

Even if the platform does not recognize the malicious content, your customers will and the bad reputation you will get from it is not worth any temporary monetary gain. A lot of advertisers ended their whole careers in the industry by pushing for scam offers and getting called out for it by customers.

  • Discriminatory Content

Ads that discriminate against or stereotype specific groups of people based on characteristics like race, gender, or age are not allowed. Such content can trigger ad account restrictions.

It's morally wrong and there are no reasons you should even attempt this. There is nothing to gain from being discriminatory!

Strategies to Avoid Ad Account Restrictions and Bans

Now that we understand the potential pitfalls let's explore strategies to keep your ad account in good standing:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Policies

Thoroughly read and understand Facebook's advertising policies. Regularly review them to stay updated on any changes. You will quickly learn what the usual issues are with policies and you will have to check regularly for policy updates to make sure you are always compliant with them. 

  • Ad Creative and Content Guidelines

Craft high-quality, relevant ad content. Use clear images and videos, and ensure your ad copy is truthful and transparent. If you think that something is risky, we recommend you check the policies again and maybe ask a meta rep if you have access to them. 

  • Targeting Best Practices

Avoid overly specific targeting that might exclude potential customers. Ensure your chosen audience aligns with your ad content.


       2. Landing Page Quality and Relevance

After clicking your ad, users should land on a relevant and user-friendly page. This enhances the user experience and reduces the likelihood of restrictions. In case your LPs are too aggressive or not compliant, you might face issues as well!

  • Ad Transparency and Authenticity

Use appropriate disclaimers for restricted content. Verify your business details to establish authenticity and build trust.

Monitoring and Optimization for Long-Term Success

Keeping your ad account in good standing requires ongoing effort:

  • Regular Monitoring: Monitor ad performance and engagement regularly. Address any sudden drops in performance promptly. Take note of your KPIs and ensure that they don’t change too much as your campaigns run longer and scale. 
  • Response to Disapprovals: If an ad is disapproved, address the issue immediately. Make necessary changes and resubmit the ad for review. In case you have been wrongfully disapproved, make sure to submit an appeal and describe your case to the moderators in detail. 
  • A/B Testing: Test different ad elements to determine what resonates best with your audience. This can help improve ad quality and engagement. You can use A/B testing to test the limits of your campaigns. Slowly get more and more aggressive in your ads until you see that Facebook starts disapproving them. This way you can learn where the limits are and run your campaigns in an optimal state. 
  • User Feedback and Insights: Pay attention to user feedback and insights. If users find issues with your ads, address them to maintain a positive user experience. Make sure to implement the audience's feedback as they will be the best metric of future success. 
  • Addressing Negative Feedback: Respond professionally to negative comments and feedback. Address concerns and issues promptly to mitigate their impact. Talk to your audience and fix the issues they talk about. If you don’t they might even report your ads which can be a huge problem down the line!

What to Do if Your Ad Account Faces Restrictions

If your ad account is flagged or restricted, here's what you should do:

  1. Review the Violation: Understand the specific violation that led to the restriction. Identify corrective actions needed to rectify the situation. Try finding more information about the policy you breached and find ways you can adjust your campaigns to avoid the same mistakes in the future.

      2. Appeal Process: Facebook often provides an appeal process. If you believe the restriction was unjustified, follow the appeals process and provide relevant information. In case you were really wronged, Facebook will take note and be more lenient with your content in the future.

      3. Patience and Persistence: Resolving ad account issues can take time. Be patient and persistent throughout the process. Most things will take longer than you would like, but that's just how things are.


In the world of Facebook advertising, knowledge is power. Understanding Facebook's advertising policies and guidelines is paramount to avoid ad account restrictions and bans. 

By following best practices for ad content, targeting, and user experience, you can maintain a healthy ad account. Regular monitoring, optimization, and addressing issues promptly will contribute to long-term success. 

In case your ad account faces restrictions, follow the correct steps for resolution. Remember, learning from the mistakes of others is a great way to avoid similar pitfalls. By adhering to these guidelines, you can harness the full potential of Facebook advertising while keeping your ad account safe and productive.


Have you had campaigns banned or restricted on Facebook? How did you fix the issues and get your campaigns back live? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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