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How The Crypto Boom Has Affected The Affiliate Marketing Industry

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As with everything in the past two years, the cryptocurrency boom has had a major impact on the affiliate marketing industry. A lot of affiliate marketers have started to promote cryptocurrency-related products and services, and many have even made millions doing so.

This huge influx in the industry was caused by the so-called "crypto boom". Namely, in the last year and a half due to various reasons, most cryptocurrencies saw a huge increase in value. With that huge increase, they started getting promoted widely to the public via news outlets, mainstream companies, and individuals all over the internet. This caused the values to rise even further up until they started drastically dropping a few months ago.

This period managed to bring a lot of money for a select few that knew how to properly utilize the rise of crypto. One of the industries it impacted heavily was affiliate marketing. With the rise of offers for all sorts of coins and services revolving around the blockchain, affiliates and the whole industry saw incredible growth and prosperity for a time.

However, the cryptocurrency boom has also brought with it some challenges. For example, some affiliate programs have been shut down due to fraud, and others have been slow to pay out commissions. This has mostly been the result of greedy individuals that pushed for shady offers and straight-up scams, which made people weary and companies furious for the reputation damage that ensued.

Overall, though, the cryptocurrency boom has been a net positive for the affiliate marketing industry. Here's a look at how the crypto boom has affected the affiliate marketing industry.

What is Cryptocurrency and why is it so popular lately?

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. In most cases, it is not controlled by any central authority, and it has no physical form. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, which means they are not subject to government or financial institution control.

Cryptocurrencies are incredibly popular because they offer a number of advantages over traditional fiat currencies. For one, they are much more secure. Cryptocurrencies are also borderless and can be used by anyone in the world. Finally, cryptocurrencies are private and anonymous, which has made them popular with people who value privacy.

Though the rise of some cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Litecoin has been meteoric, Cryptocurrency as a whole is still in its early stages. There have been extreme ups and downs in the markets, and the industries revolving around them are constantly adjusting. Many experts believe that we are only seeing the beginning of what cryptocurrency can do.

But the meteoric rise in the value of these virtual coins changed many things in various industries all across the web. Here we will explore how the craze over cryptocurrency has changed affiliate marketing.

How the cryptocurrency boom has affected the affiliate marketing industry?

In the beginning, only a handful of companies were dabbling in cryptocurrency. They allowed their customers to buy goods and services with the new digital coins. But as the prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies soared in 2017, more and more companies started to get involved in the industry.

The result was a boom in affiliate marketing for cryptocurrency-related products and services.

As the prices of cryptocurrencies rose, so did the demand for products and services related to them. This created a gold rush for affiliate marketers, who rushed to promote everything from cryptocurrency exchanges to wallets to ICOs.

The boom in cryptocurrency-related affiliate marketing was not without its challenges, though.

The challenges of the cryptocurrency boom for affiliate marketers

The biggest challenge for affiliate marketers during the cryptocurrency boom was fraud. With so much money flowing into the industry, there were bound to be some bad actors who would try to take advantage of unsuspecting investors. Scams and shutdowns

This led to a number of affiliate programs being shut down due to fraud. For example, in January 2018, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) shut down an affiliate program that was promoting a fake ICO. But this was far from the only case. Most of 2021 and early 2022 were filled with huge cases that tricked millions through so-called "rug-pull" schemes. The most famous cases are OnceCoin (around $4 billion), Thodex Over ($2 billion), Luna Yield, Squid Game, and many more!

Slow Payments

Another challenge for affiliate marketers during the cryptocurrency boom was slow payments. Because of the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, many affiliate programs were slow to pay out commissions. This created a lot of frustration for affiliate marketers who were used to getting paid quickly.


The most significant change that affiliate marketers had to overcome due to the rise of cryptocurrency was the need for speed. In the early days of cryptocurrency, things moved slowly. Affiliates had to be patient when waiting for their payments.

But as the industry grew and prices soared, things started to move faster. Affiliates had to adjust to this new reality and learn to move quickly.

Rise in Competition

Another change that affiliate marketers had to adjust to was the increased competition. With so many people interested in cryptocurrency, there was a lot more competition for traffic and commissions. Affiliates had to work harder than ever to stand out from the crowd.


Finally, affiliate marketers had to deal with the increased scrutiny from regulators. In the early days of cryptocurrency, there was very little regulation. But as the industry grew, so did the attention from regulators. This led to a number of affiliate programs being shut down due to fraud or regulatory issues.

Despite these challenges, the cryptocurrency boom hasn't been all bad. The influx of new money has allowed affiliate marketers to make a lot of money promoting products and services related to cryptocurrencies. And as the industry matures, it's likely that these challenges will be addressed.

How to succeed as an affiliate marketer in a turbulent market

The key to success as an affiliate marketer in a turbulent market is to be flexible. You need to be able to adapt to the changing conditions and be quick to capitalize on new opportunities.

Another important thing is to choose your affiliate programs carefully. Make sure you partner with reputable companies that have a good track record. And don't be afraid to walk away from a program if it's not a good fit.

Finally, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your traffic sources and create multiple streams of income. This will help you weather the storm when the market is down and take advantage of the upswings.

With a little bit of planning and flexibility, you can succeed as an affiliate marketer in even the most turbulent markets.

Final thoughts on the cryptocurrency boom and its impact on affiliate marketing

The cryptocurrency boom has been a net positive for the affiliate marketing industry. The influx of new money has allowed affiliate marketers to make a lot of money promoting products and services related to cryptocurrencies. And as the industry matures, it's likely that the challenges will be addressed.

If you're thinking about getting into affiliate marketing, now is a great time to start. Just be sure to do your research and choose your affiliate programs carefully. In our humble opinion stay away from crypto offers unless you are sure you understand the risks that can come with promoting them.

How did the rise of crypto influence your business? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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