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Native Ads Funnel Breakdown

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Native advertising is a popular form of online advertising that blends seamlessly into the content of the website or platform it appears. Unlike traditional advertising, which is often disruptive and intrusive, native ads are designed to be non-intrusive and engaging, making them an effective way to reach potential customers. 

However, the success of a native advertising campaign depends on more than just the quality of the ad itself. In this article, we will break down the native ads funnel and provide tips for optimizing each stage to help you get the most out of your native advertising campaigns.

What is a Native Ad?

Before we dive into the native ads funnel, let's define what a native ad is. A native ad is a form of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. For example, a native ad on a news website might look like a news article or a native ad on a social media platform might look like a sponsored post. 

Native ads are designed to be non-disruptive and provide value to the user by offering relevant information or entertainment.

The Native Ads Funnel

The native ads funnel is a model that describes the journey a user goes through when they interact with a native ad. There are three stages in the funnel: the top of the funnel (awareness), the middle of the funnel (consideration), and the bottom of the funnel (conversion). Let's break down each stage and provide tips for optimizing your native advertising campaigns at each stage.

1. Top of the Funnel (Awareness)

The top of the funnel is the awareness stage. At this stage, the user becomes aware of your brand and the products or services you offer. There are two key metrics to measure at this stage: ad discovery and ad engagement.

  • Ad Discovery

Ad discovery refers to the number of people who see your ad. To optimize ad discovery, you need to target the right audience. Native advertising platforms like Outbrain and Taboola allow you to target your ads based on demographics, interests, and behavior. By targeting the right audience, you can increase the number of people who see your ad.

  • Ad Engagement

Ad engagement refers to the number of people who interact with your ad. To optimize ad engagement, you need to create an ad that is attention-grabbing and relevant to your target audience. This can be achieved by using high-quality images, compelling headlines, and clear calls to action.

2. Middle of the Funnel (Consideration)

The middle of the funnel is the consideration stage. At this stage, the user has shown interest in your brand and is considering whether to take further action. There are two key metrics to measure at this stage: ad click-through and landing page experience.

  • Ad Click-Through

Ad click-through refers to the number of people who click on your ad. To optimize ad click-through, you need to create a clear and compelling ad that encourages users to take action. Using strong calls to action and highlighting the benefits of your product or service will help increase rates.

  • Landing Page Experience

The landing page experience refers to the experience a user has after they click on your ad and land on your website. To optimize the landing page experience, you need to ensure that your landing page is relevant to your ad and provides a clear path to conversion. This can be achieved by using clear and concise copy, high-quality images, and easy-to-use forms.


3. Bottom of the Funnel (Conversion)

The bottom of the funnel is the conversion stage. At this stage, the user has decided to take action and convert. There are two key metrics to measure at this stage: conversion rate optimization and retargeting.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization refers to the process of improving the percentage of users who convert after landing on your website. To optimize conversion rates, you need to make the conversion process as easy and frictionless as possible. 

This can be done by using clear and simple forms, offering multiple payment options, and providing social proof such as customer reviews and testimonials.

  • Retargeting

Retargeting refers to the process of showing ads to users who have already interacted with your brand or website. Retargeting can be a powerful tool for increasing conversions, as it targets users who have already shown interest in your brand. 

To optimize retargeting, you need to create targeted ads that are relevant to the user's previous interactions with your brand. This can be achieved by using dynamic retargeting ads that show the user products or services they have previously viewed on your website.

Tips for Native Ads Funnel Optimization

Now that we've broken down the native ads funnel and provided tips for optimizing each stage, let's look at some general tips for optimizing your native advertising campaigns.

  • Audience Targeting

Audience targeting is one of the most important factors in the success of a native advertising campaign. To optimize audience targeting, you need to understand your target audience and use targeting options provided by the native advertising platform to reach the right people.

  • Ad Creative

Ad creativity is another important factor in the success of a native advertising campaign. To optimize ad creativity, you need to create attention-grabbing and relevant ads that are tailored to your target audience. 

Using high-quality images, compelling headlines, and clear calls to action is a great way to improve your ad creatives with not much extra work. It's also important to note that you should use eye-catching creatives and colors to make sure you get all of the attention focused on your ad!

  • Landing Page Optimization

Landing page optimization is critical to the success of a native advertising campaign. To optimize landing pages, you need to ensure that they are relevant to your ad and provide a clear path to conversion. 

TClear and concise copy, high-quality images, and easy-to-use forms are the bread and butter of LP optimization but don't forget about making sure the page loads quickly and that it's optimized for mobile. As that can hinder performance!

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization is essential to maximizing the ROI of your native advertising campaigns. To optimize conversion rates, you need to make the conversion process as easy and frictionless as possible. 

Accomplishing this is best done by using clear and simple forms, offering multiple payment options, and providing social proof such as customer reviews and testimonials.

  • Retargeting Strategy

Retargeting is a powerful tool for increasing conversions and maximizing the ROI of your native advertising campaigns. To optimize retargeting, you need to create targeted ads that are relevant to the user's previous interactions with your brand. 

This can be achieved by using dynamic retargeting ads that show the user products or services they have previously viewed on your website.


Native Ads Best Practices

Finally, let's look at some best practices for native advertising campaigns.

Disclose Advertiser Relationship

Native advertising campaigns must disclose the relationship between the advertiser and the publisher. This can be done by using phrases such as "sponsored content" or "advertisement."

Match Ad to Publisher's Content

Native ads should match the form and function of the platform on which they appear. This means that the ad should look and feel like the publisher's content. This also goes with the topics at hand. If your ad is completely out of place then you might not as well post it as nobody is likely to click on it anyways!

Avoid Misleading Claims

Native ads should not make false or misleading claims about the product or service being advertised. All claims should be supported by evidence. This can land you in hot water with the website hosting your content as well as with your audience that is already familiar with your work!


Native advertising is an effective way to reach potential customers and increase conversions. By understanding the native ads funnel and optimizing each stage, you can maximize the ROI of your native advertising campaigns. 

Remember to target the right audience, create attention-grabbing and relevant ads, optimize landing pages and the conversion process, and use retargeting to reach users who have shown interest in your brand. By following these best practices, you can create successful native advertising campaigns that drive results.

What is your experience with native ads? Did you know how all parts of the funnel work? Share some of your best tips for native ads with us in the comments below!

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