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Using Facebook Ads

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MaxWeb Offer: Nerve Renew (
CPA: $75
Traffic source: Facebook Ads
Targeted region: United States


Why Facebook Ads? 

Facebook Ads are one of the most widely used platforms by advertisers to promote their products to a relevant group of audience. The real catch here is targeting users that match interests with what you are selling (product or service) based on their location, demographic, and personal information like age, interests, and hobbies. Facebook has loads of information about its users based on the general information they voluntarily put on their profiles, and so it makes it quite interesting to literally find any target group that you probably might need for your product. Oh and did I mention, they are SUPER CHEAP as compared to other advertising methods like PPC, and Native. This makes it a huge plus and worth trying option for new affiliates to test out traffic and boost sales.

This was the reason why I decided to start advertising on Facebook. They can serve highly-targeted ads of products and services to a broader audience who are likely to buy them, sites they tend to like, or events they’d love to attend.

For example, I recently joined a Facebook group named, Facebook Ad Buyers, and their algorithm captured my preference, and interest and started displaying ads that were focused on “learning online marketing” or “how to earn passive income by starting an online business”  (they thought I might like to learn about running paid advertisements for promoting online products).

So, it's really exciting to work with facebook ads and test out offers that can target the best relevant audience out of their database!

Choosing The Campaign For Facebook Ads

The best way to select a product for promotion on Facebook is to ask your affiliate manager about what is working best for them on Facebook. Mostly eBooks perform well on Facebook and have less chances of account suspension. However, I tested Nerve Renew on Facebook as I have a good following on my page with people who are interested in Neuropathy pain relief.

So, when you have decided on the campaign, make sure to visit the Ad Centre from your Facebook account, enter your information, and card details, wait for account approval that usually takes a few hours. Facebook cuts a small fee from your account upon a successful account registration.

 Now is the time to set up your campaign.


Facebook asks us to choose the most suitable ad objective for our campaign. To answer the question you should ask yourself, "What’s the most important outcome I want from this ad?" It could be anything relating to clicks, conversions, downloads of an eBook, or just simple brand awareness for likes. As for Nerve Renew, I chose clicks because I was redirecting the audience to a Pre-sell Landing Page.

Choosing a Lander: 

It’s up to you where you want to take your audience to. Ask your manager about Direct Linking offers as many advertisers don’t allow Direct Linking and Facebook is also not very compliant to direct links. It’s better to design a Pre-sell Landing Page using Wordpress, Clickfunnels, or Wix and then take your audience to the offer you are running.

For Nerve Renew, I designed a page with all the relevant information about the product and about the struggles of neuropathy pain relief, in particular. This way, I can develop a relationship with the audience and back everything I say about the product with scientific references and studies.

Make sure you have a Disclaimer at the end revealing your affiliate partnership, a Privacy Policy Page, and Contact Information. These are all requirements of Facebook Advertising, and non compliance to them can result in permanent suspension of your ad account. Avoid making any claims about the product as facebook hates it and so do the audience. Because we all know “that’s all not true”! Remember to be unbiased and try to cover all the good and bad aspects about the product and earn your audience trust!

For eBooks, you can design a quiz page, or some customized questions that your audience will answer and then will be redirected to the product’s page you are promoting. You can find many templates on Clickfunnels for these.


It’s the most important aspect of any ad. You have to know your audience well. Choose the best suitable demographics, interests and behaviours that best represent your audience. In my ad, I chose:

Age Group Was:  

Male and Female over 40-75+ of age


Neuropathy, nerve pain relief, nerve pain, neuropathy pain, diabetic neuropathy, and peripheral neuropathy.



Setting Up

Now you have to decide where you want your ad to run. This includes Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network or across them all. In this step, you can also choose to run ads on specific mobile devices.

I chose Edit Placements to narrow down the channels I want to display my ad as it helps in cutting down your cost as well as reaching out to the relevant people. Since my target group is above 40 years of age for Nerve Renew, I chose the ad to be only shown on the News Feed of the selected audience.


You’ll have to choose how much you want to spend on your campaign. Obviously the higher the budget, the broader range of audience you will reach, which in turn can maximize your conversions (depending on your landers)

Enter your daily or lifetime budget, and the time period during which you want your ads to run. These limits mean that you'll never spend more than you're comfortable with. I started off with a $50 lifetime budget and decided to increase it over time. With this budget, I was spending $10 a day, and got 2 conversions daily for five days.

Choosing the Best Format

You have now an option to choose the ad format that is most suitable to you and your audience. Facebook currently has six versatile ad formats which cover all the possible needs of an advertiser.  They can run on every device and connection speed. You can either go for a single image or video in your ad, or use a roomier, multi-image format.

I went for a single catchy image option that I designed myself on Adobe Spark. It is absolutely free, and you can design any ad format you want for your facebook campaigns ranging from an eye-catching horizontal image to an appealing video.

Final Order Placement  

When everything is done and set up, submit your ad, and it goes into a Facebook auction that will direct it to the right people.


We managed good conversions by keeping our audience defined and our location limited to US only. Please note that when your ad is running, it is important to track your performance and edit your campaign in Facebook Ads Manager. You can do this by comparing your ads, and if one lander is working better than the other or if your ad is being delivered efficiently to the right audience, and make tweaks, corrections and adjustments as needed.


Facebook advertising is definitely something that every aspiring affiliate marketer can try in his initial years as it's not expensive and can be a real game changer if you learn to abide by its rules and policies. It can definitely bring in some prolific results to your ad campaigns if you manage, measure, and scale them properly over time.

You can definitely join some Facebook groups on Facebook advertising like I did, out of which, Facebook Ad Buyers is one of the best! It has all the like-minded individuals who don’t hesitate to help each other out, and share some useful insights about the trends in the Facebook advertising industry. So, it’s highly recommended to check it out.

Nerve Renew was super hot for FB traffic, as there are so many older people who use Facebook as compared to other social platforms, making it much easier to capture the desired audience.

There are also more offers that would convert more than Nerve Renew. You can ask your manager to tell you what’s working best in their internal testing, and what kind of landers they have that you can use to drive traffic. Most advertisers provide ad resources that have ad copies and images and you just have to embed them into your page and voila, hit submit for them to start running!

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