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How to get Compliant with Traffic Platforms: Guidelines (Google, Facebook, Outbrain, Taboola, Revcontent, MGID, YouTube)

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Advertising has become an integral part of business strategies, with traffic platforms serving as crucial avenues to reach target audiences. However, achieving success on these platforms requires more than just compelling ads; it demands strict adherence to their policies and guidelines. 

This article will talk about the essential aspects of compliance with some of the top traffic platforms, offering comprehensive guidelines to navigate these platforms effectively!

General Guidelines for Platform Compliance:

Before diving into platform-specific guidelines, let's establish a foundation of general compliance principles:

  • Transparency and Honesty

Maintain transparency in your ad content and accurately represent your products or services. Avoid misleading claims, clickbait, and false information. This is a rule for all platforms, not just these, and it would be clever to follow it, as those are the things marketers have issues with the most!

  • Respect Intellectual Property

Ensure that your content, including images and text, adheres to copyright and trademark laws. Unauthorized use of copyrighted material can result in penalties. These are usually automated by AI that analyzes videos and images you post. Avoid using copyrighted material and ensure you have the right licenses for anything you post!

  • Ad Content and Landing Page Alignment

The content of your ads should be aligned with the content of the landing page they link to. Users should have a consistent and seamless experience from ad click to landing page visit.

  • User Experience Optimization

Focus on delivering a positive user experience. Slow-loading pages, intrusive pop-ups, and aggressive advertising can lead to user frustration and negatively impact your campaign. Make sure you optimize everything for mobile first, as that's where the most traffic comes from for pretty much every campaign on every platform!

Platform-Specific Compliance Guidelines

While most things apply across the board, there are some platform-specific guidelines that are important to remember!

Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful online advertising platform that allows businesses to create and display ads across Google's vast network, including search results, websites, and mobile apps. 

It specializes in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where advertisers bid on keywords to have their ads displayed to relevant users. Google Ads provides a range of ad formats, targeting options, and analytics tools to help advertisers reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

Google Ads is a dominant player in the online advertising landscape. To ensure compliance:

  • Ad Policies and Content Restrictions

Familiarize yourself with Google's ad policies, including restrictions on prohibited content such as adult material, illegal products, and misleading claims.

  • Quality Score Optimization

Maintain a high-quality website with relevant and informative content. A higher Quality Score leads to better ad placements and lower costs.

  • Ad Extensions and Formats

Utilize ad extensions like site links, callouts, and structured snippets to enhance your ad's visibility and relevance.


Facebook is the world's largest social media platform, offering a comprehensive advertising system that enables businesses to connect with billions of users. 

Facebook ads can be targeted based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more, making it a highly effective platform for reaching specific audience segments. The platform supports various ad formats, including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more, allowing advertisers to tell their brand story in engaging ways.

With its extensive user base, Facebook offers a potent advertising platform:

  1. Ad Policies and Prohibited Content

Avoid content related to sensitive topics and ensure compliance with community standards. Avoid any political content as that is heavily regulated on the platform.

  • Audience Targeting and Segmentation

Utilize Facebook's precise audience targeting tools to reach the most relevant users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

  • Ad Design and Engagement Optimization

Craft visually appealing ads with clear calls to action. Experiment with different ad formats like carousel ads and video ads to boost engagement.


Outbrain specializes in content discovery and native advertising, providing a platform for advertisers to promote their content in a non-disruptive manner.

It partners with publishers to display content recommendations at the end of articles and web pages, helping advertisers drive traffic and engagement through valuable content. Outbrain's focus on providing relevant content recommendations creates a seamless user experience that encourages higher engagement rates.

Outbrain specializes in content discovery, making it crucial to align with its guidelines:

  • Content Guidelines and Recommendations

Create high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience. Focus on storytelling and providing value.

  • Widget Customization and Placement

Customize your content widgets to match the look and feel of the hosting site. Ensure proper placement to maximize visibility without disrupting the user experience.

  • Creative Resolutions, Style, and Quality

Outbrain has specific requirements for creative sizes, style, and quality. Ensure they are all in compliance before you post your campaigns. 


Taboola is another major player in content discovery and native advertising, offering a platform similar to Outbrain. It partners with publishers to recommend sponsored content to readers based on their interests and online behavior. 

Advertisers can leverage Taboola to reach engaged audiences with engaging thumbnail images and headlines, enhancing their brand's visibility and driving traffic to their websites.

Taboola emphasizes native advertising and content recommendations:

  • Editorial Policies and Content Standards

Adhere to Taboola's content standards, ensuring your content is accurate, respectful, and aligns with the host site's tone. Overly aggressive content is frowned upon. 

  • Thumbnail and Headline Best Practices

Thumbnails and headlines should be eye-catching and relevant while avoiding sensationalism.

  • Conversion Tracking and Campaign Refinement

Implement conversion tracking to measure campaign success. Use the data to refine your targeting and content strategy.


Revcontent is a native advertising platform that prioritizes content quality and engagement. It focuses on delivering valuable content experiences to users by blending ads seamlessly with the hosting site's content. 

Through its widget-based approach, Revcontent helps advertisers promote articles, videos, and other content while maintaining a non-disruptive user experience. This platform places a strong emphasis on driving engagement and interaction with promoted content.

Revcontent focuses on content-driven native advertising:

  • Content Quality and Engagement Standards

Craft compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Focus on delivering value and sparking engagement.

  • Widget Design and Native Appearance

Design widgets that seamlessly blend with the hosting site's layout while still grabbing attention.

  • A/B Testing and Performance Analysis

Conduct A/B tests on different ad elements to identify what resonates best with your audience. Regularly analyze performance data to optimize your campaigns.


MGID is a native advertising platform that facilitates the distribution of sponsored content on a network of publisher websites. It allows advertisers to create content-driven campaigns that seamlessly integrate with the host site's design. 

The platform emphasizes content compliance and quality, ensuring that the promoted content provides value to users and aligns with the hosting site's context. This platform is ideal for advertisers looking to expand their reach through relevant and engaging content.

MGID offers a native advertising platform that requires content compliance:

  • Content Compliance and Approval Process

Ensure your content aligns with MGID's guidelines before submitting for approval. Clear any potential issues before launching your campaign.

  • Widget Customization and Visibility

Customize widgets to match the host site's appearance. Optimize widget placement for better visibility while respecting the user experience.

  • Tracking and Reporting for Campaign Success

Implement tracking tools to monitor your campaign's performance. Use the insights gained to make data-driven optimizations.


YouTube, owned by Google, is the world's largest video-sharing platform. It offers various video ad formats that allow advertisers to showcase their products and services to a massive audience. 

Their ads can appear before, during, or after videos, and advertisers can choose from skippable and non-skippable formats. With the ability to target audiences based on demographics, interests, and user behavior, YouTube is a premier platform for video advertising and brand exposure.

YouTube is a video-centric platform with specific advertising guidelines:

  • Advertiser-Friendly Content Guidelines

Adhere to YouTube's content guidelines to ensure your ads are suitable for all audiences. Most of the things that apply to Google ads apply to YouTube as well as they are essentially the same platform!

  • Video Ad Formats and Placements

You will have to adhere to specific resolutions, bitrates, formats, and file types. Depending on the placements you might have to create different creatives such as images instead of the classic video ads!

  • Monitoring Ad Performance and Engagement

Regularly review your video ad's performance metrics, including view-through rates and engagement statistics. Adjust your strategy based on the insights gained.


The world of online advertising is dynamic, and complying with platform guidelines is crucial for campaign success. As platforms continue to evolve, staying up-to-date with their policies and best practices is paramount. 

By adhering to general guidelines and employing platform-specific strategies, businesses can navigate the complexities of these top traffic platforms, effectively reaching their target audiences while maintaining compliance. 

Remember, compliance is an ongoing effort that requires continuous monitoring and adaptation to stay ahead in the competitive advertising landscape.

What compliance issues did you have on these platforms? What did you do to ensure you are compliant and your campaigns keep on running? Share your experience with us in the comments below! 


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