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Top 10 Tools That Expert Email Marketers Use

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As an email marketer, you know how important it is to have the right tools in your toolkit. The right tools can help you create professional-looking emails, automate repetitive tasks, track the performance of your campaigns, and much more. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to figure out which tools are the best fit for your business.

Using the tool for the right job can help you achieve better results in your marketing efforts by providing a number of benefits. 

For example: 

  • Marketing automation software can help you send targeted and personalized emails to your subscribers, increasing the chances that they will engage with your content.
  • Landing page builders can help you create professional-looking pages that are optimized for conversions. 
  • A/B testing tools can help you determine the most effective subject lines, calls to action, and layout for your emails and landing pages. 
  • Email analytics tools can give you insights into the performance of your campaigns and help you understand what is working and what isn't. 
  • And CRM systems can help you manage and track your interactions with customers, allowing you to tailor your marketing efforts to their needs and preferences. 

Overall, using the right tools can help you streamline your work, improve the effectiveness of your campaigns, and achieve better results.

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 tools that expert email marketers use. These tools are trusted by the pros and can help you take your email marketing efforts to the next level.

1. Email marketing platforms

An email marketing platform is the foundation of any successful email marketing strategy. This is the tool that you’ll use to create, send, and track your emails. Some popular email marketing platforms include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and AWeber.

These platforms offer a range of features to make it easy for users to create professional-looking emails and manage their email lists. Some of the benefits of using them include:

  • Email creation and design tools
  • List management
  • Campaign tracking and analytics
  • Integration with other tools

When choosing an email marketing platform, look for one that is user-friendly, has a robust feature set, and integrates with other tools you use, such as your website or CRM system. You should also consider the size of your email list and the number of emails you plan to send each month, as some platforms have limits on the number of subscribers or emails you can have.

2. Marketing automation software

Marketing automation software allows you to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending emails based on trigger events, like a subscriber joining your email list. This can save you time and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business. Some popular marketing automation tools include ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, and Marketo. These tools can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Sending targeted and personalized emails based on a subscriber's behavior or preferences
  • Setting up automated lead nurturing campaigns to move prospects through the sales funnel
  • Creating and tracking landing pages and forms
  • Integrating with CRM systems and other tools to sync data and automate tasks
  • Providing analytics and reporting on the performance of campaigns

When selecting marketing automation software, consider your specific needs and how the tool can help you achieve your goals. For example, if you want to send personalized emails based on a subscriber’s behavior, look for a tool that has advanced segmentation and personalization capabilities.

3. Landing page builder

A landing page builder is a tool that allows you to create and customize landing pages, which are standalone web pages designed to capture leads or make sales. Some popular landing page builders include Leadpages, Unbounce, and Instapage.

When creating a landing page, it’s important to make it visually appealing and easy to navigate. A good landing page builder should have a drag-and-drop interface and a variety of templates to choose from. Look for a tool that also has A/B testing capabilities, so you can test different versions of your page to see which performs better.

4. A/B testing software

A/B testing software allows you to test different versions of your emails or landing pages to see which performs better. This can help you optimize your email marketing efforts and increase conversions. Some popular A/B testing tools include Optimizely, VWO, and Google Optimize.

A/B testing can be used to test a variety of elements, such as the subject line, call to action, and layout of your emails or landing pages. To get the most out of A/B testing, it’s important to set clear goals and define your target audience.

5. Email template builder

An email template builder is a tool that allows you to create professional-looking email templates that you can reuse for different campaigns. This can save you time and ensure that your emails have a consistent look and feel. Some popular email template builders include Stripo, BEE, and Mailjet.

When creating email templates, consider your brand guidelines and design elements, such as fonts, colors, and images. A good template builder should have a variety of templates to choose from and allow you to easily customize them to fit your brand.

6. List cleaning service

A list-cleaning service helps you keep your email list up to date by removing inactive or invalid email addresses. This can help improve the deliverability of your emails and avoid bounces. Some popular list cleaning services include BriteVerify, Xverify, and NeverBounce.

Maintaining a clean email list is crucial for the success of your email marketing efforts. By removing inactive or invalid addresses, you can ensure that your emails are being delivered to engaged and interested subscribers.

7. Email deliverability tool

An email deliverability tool helps you ensure that your emails are delivered to your subscribers' inboxes, rather than being sent to their spam folders. Some popular email deliverability tools include Return Path, GlockApps, and 250ok.

Email deliverability can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as the quality of your email list, the subject line and content of your emails, and the reputation of your domain. An email deliverability tool can help you identify and fix any issues that may be impacting the delivery of your emails.

8. Email verification service

An email verification service checks the validity of an email address to ensure that it is deliverable. This can help you avoid sending emails to invalid or non-existent addresses, which can hurt your deliverability. Some popular email verification services include ZeroBounce, Clearout, and EmailVerifier.

These services can provide a number of benefits to marketers, including:

  • Improved email deliverability
  • Increased response rates
  • Reduced costs
  • Increased data accuracy

Using an email verification service can help you maintain a high-quality email list and improve the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. It’s a good idea to regularly verify your email list to ensure that it is up-to-date and accurate.

9. Email analytics tool

An email analytics tool allows you to track the performance of your emails and see how they are being received by your subscribers. Some popular email analytics tools include Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Kissmetrics.

Email analytics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns and help you identify areas for improvement. Look for a tool that allows you to track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

10. Customer relationship management (CRM) software

CRM software is a tool that helps you manage and track your interactions with customers. Some CRM systems have built-in email marketing features, while others can be integrated with email marketing platforms. Some popular CRM systems include Salesforce, HubSpot CRM, and Zoho CRM.

Using a CRM system can help you better understand your customers and tailor your email marketing efforts to their needs and preferences. Look for a CRM system that has robust email marketing features and integrates with other tools you use, such as your email marketing platform and landing page builder.


In conclusion, the right tools can make all the difference in your email marketing efforts. By using the tools on this list, you can streamline your work, improve the effectiveness of your campaigns, and achieve better results. Do your research and choose the tools that best meet your needs and budget. With the right tools in your toolkit, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert email marketer.


What are your go-to tools for email marketing? Which ones do you recommend people use to improve their business? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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