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AdBlade for Native Traffic 101

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Getting great native traffic can be a challenge for most seasoned affiliates. This means that beginners in the industry stand almost no chance of finding the right traffic source for their campaigns without extra help from some more experienced industry insiders. One of the platforms that often gets mentioned is AdBlade. 

What Is AdBlade?

Adblade is one of the largest networks for native traffic and has been in operation for longer than most affiliates! They have a wide range of ad products that they offer to publishers, including both display and video ads. In addition to this, they also have a range of optimization tools to help you get the most out of your campaigns. 

They advertise themselves as one of the most innovative content style ad platforms on the web. With stats such as reaching over 300 million users, 12,000 advertisers, various content style formats, and access to premium placements, this isn't far from the truth!

The platform itself is mainly split between Advertisers and Publishers. Since we are marketers though and though, in all likelihood the Advertisers section is something that would better fit our needs so that is what we will mostly cover today. 

So let's cover what native traffic is and why you should consider AdBlade as a network for your future campaigns!

What Is Native Traffic? 

Native ads are usually found in the form of posts or content pieces that fit in perfectly with the regular content on the site. You probably saw native ads when browsing your favorite news site, and found a strange reportage of a new product, which you realized was an ad after all. This familiarity with the native content is what makes them so effective.

Native traffic is any traffic that comes from a native source, such as a website or app. It's different from other types of traffic, such as PPC or display traffic, because it's more targeted and less likely to be fake. This makes it perfect for affiliate marketing campaigns, as you're much more likely to get conversions from native traffic than from other sources. This is why affiliates across the industry simply adore native traffic. It's relatively affordable, effective, and of course, profitable!

How Can Adblade Help You? 

There are many additional benefits to using AdBlade for native traffic campaigns. The main benefit is that you're much more likely to get conversions from native traffic than from other sources.

Adblade has a wide range of products and services that can help you get the most out of your native traffic campaigns. They have a team of experienced account managers who are always on hand to help you optimize your campaigns and get the most out of your traffic. In addition to this, they also offer a wide range of optimization tools to help you get the most out of your campaigns. 

One of the great things about Adblade is that they offer a wide range of traffic sources, so you're bound to find one that's a good fit for your campaign. The platform itself is easy to use and feature-rich, even though the user interface could use a touchup.

How Do I Get Started With AdBlade? 

If you're interested in using Adblade for your native traffic campaigns, the first thing you need to do is sign up for an account. Once you've done this, you'll be able to access all of their products and services. From here, you can start creating and optimizing your campaigns. 

The dashboard itself is relatively simple if not a bit too barebones for most affiliates. But keep in mind that what AdBlade does, it does it perfectly!

Once you log in you will have the choice of viewing the main page, creating new ads, checking your account, tracking, funding your account, managing your profile, and of course a quick FAQ section. 

From the dashboard, you can quickly check on your campaigns and how they are doing. You will also have quick links to managing your ad groups, max bids, spend caps, email reports, and a system message if there is a need for it. 

The platform has a robust filtering system that can help you better decode the data you receive from running ads. There is a way to filter by dates, statuses, views, and much more. The results shown can then be sorted by over 10 metrics to best help you pull out the data you need to optimize and run your campaigns most efficiently. 

If you need any help, their team of experienced account managers is always on hand to assist you. 

Setting Up Your First Ad

To create a new ad just click on the new ad tab. The first thing AdBlade will do is recommend you go through the advertising policies so you get a better understanding of what you can and can't do. 

After that, it's time to set up your ad!

  • First of all, you will need to select the ad type (Newsbullet or Web), platform (AdBlade Network, Desktop, Mobile, or Tablet), and then name your first campaign. After naming it you will need to add a short and long description that best describes your ad. 

This is then followed by a simple Destination URL field where you should insert your offer link. You can then enter an advertiser domain, and display name, and you will have to click on a checkbox in turn agreeing that you have ownership over the ad creatives you will post to your ads. 

Then you will have to upload at least one medium image of 298x224 pixels, though it is recommended to add a small and large image to that as well to ensure better quality on different placements.

  • The next step is to select a CPA goal that you want to achieve

  • Scheduling comes next, this section is optional as you don't have to schedule at all, if you skip this section your ads will start running right away. In case you don't, you will have to select start and end dates as well as select some day parting configurations if need be.

  • The next step is to select your targeting. You are presented with a list of GEOs that AdBlade can display. So select the right locations from the list. You can add incompatible ads in this section.

    After targeting the specific countries, you can make your targeting even more granular by selecting ZIP codes, areas, or states that which you want your ads to appear.

    You can also set up pixels for retargeting purposes. If you want to.

  • The last option you will have is the bidding option. You can pick how much you want to pay per click or 1,000 impressions.

  • After that, you just click on “Create my ad” and wait for approval!

Things to keep in mind when using AdBlade

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when using Adblade for your native traffic campaigns. The first is that you need to make sure you're targeting the right traffic source. Adblade has a wide range of traffic sources, so you're bound to find one that's a good fit for your campaign. The second is that you need to optimize your campaigns regularly. Adblade offers a range of optimization tools to help you with this, but it's still important to keep an eye on your campaigns and make sure they're performing as well as they can be.  

One of the downsides of AdBlade (at least for now) is that they don't show you the potential traffic amount for your campaigns. This means you will have to do more guessing and testing than with other networks, but that is the only real tangible limitation of the platform.

Have you used AdBlade for your native traffic? What was your experience with them? Share your knowledge with us in the comments below!

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