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Boring Emails? How To Increase Your Open Rates and Engagement for Your Subscribers

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Boring emails are easy to write. However, if your goal is to make your audience more engaged and read more of your emails, you should make sure that the content of your emails is as engaging as possible. People don't simply become engaged when they read an email. It’s something that needs to be worked on, and it’s not as hard as you might think. There are several things you can do to improve the engagement rates of your emails and here we take a look at some things you can do to get started!

How to Increase Newsletter/Email Open Rates 

Although there is no magic formula for increasing open rates, you should be aware that the more people who read your emails, the more engaged they will be. This means that if you can get people to open one of your emails, they may not click on all of the links (if any), but they will remember what you said and continue to read your emails in the future.

The engagement rate is always expressed as a percentage. If your email engagement rate is 10%, it means that only one out of every ten people has opened your messages. The number of emails you send out is always used to calculate engagement rates, so if you send out 200 emails with a 10% engagement rate, only 20 of them will be opened.

Before you try to boost your engagement rates, take a look at how many people are opening your emails to see if there is room for improvement. If your email engagement rates are low (less than 10%), it's possible that you need to make some changes to the design or content of your emails. Engagement rates are also important because they indicate whether people find your content interesting enough to read further or if they simply delete your messages without reading them.

How To Write Engaging Emails

You have a better chance of getting more people to open and read your emails if you write an engaging email. Unique opens or click-through rates on links you include in the email could be used to evaluate engagement. In any case, these numbers are crucial for affiliate marketers looking to improve their email marketing results.

  • By asking questions, you can hold your audience's attention. When you ask a question in an email and then allow for discussion on that topic, engagement is very often increased.

  • Make sure your subject line is engaging and includes some amount of people’s original keywords they typed into Google to get their search results. If you can use these keywords in your subject line, then you are more likely to get people interested in opening up your email.

  • Work on converting people who open your emails into subscribers. You can do this by using the appropriate Call to Actions (CTAs) in your email marketing campaigns. These CTAs might be for pop-ups, newsletters, or information about a specific product or service. If you can get people to subscribe to these emails, then they will be more likely to keep reading your emails and engaging with them in the future.

  • If you’ve been working on a project that requires regular updates and news items, then consider creating an email newsletter or blog dedicated solely to this work. It may require a bit of effort to get the ball rolling, but by starting your email newsletters and blog you can improve engagement and keep your audience engaged.

  • Experiment with content. Try to create new types of content that will engage your audience and then promote this through your email marketing campaign. Engagement is about making sure that you are keeping people interested in what you have to say - if they enjoy it, then they are more likely to keep reading.

The Best Ways to Get People Subscribed To Your Newsletter 

The best tips for getting people subscribed to your newsletter are to be persistent, personalize the content, provide an incentive for subscribing, give them a reason to unsubscribe, and ensure that your content is relevant. 

Your emails can be way more popular if they:

  • Have an engaging subject line
  • Have engaging content throughout the email
  • Provide some incentive to subscribing (discounts, free things, etc) 
  • Have relevant content to the audience’s interests
  • Have personalized messages
  • Have some sort of FOMO or sense of urgency attached to them

Tools That Can Help You With Newsletter Content Creation and Marketing 

So let’s finally get to the thing that most of you have been waiting for. Let’s find some tools that can help us do all of this without having to put our backs into it.


MailChimp is an email marketing tool that works on most devices connected to the web. It makes the process of sending emails easier than ever, which means you can spend more time working on your campaigns and less time trying to figure out how to begin. Mailchimp has a newsletter template library, subscriber management features, and reporting tools that can help you to create and send out better-looking and more effective newsletters.


Aweber is another tool that has been around for a while now, they have been helping marketers manage email marketing campaigns since 1998- so they know their stuff! This company also offers a simple way for you to create professional-quality emails with their drag and drop email template library. It’s simple to use, so you don’t need any technical knowledge to get started and Aweber has several built-in tools such as RSS-to-email, double opt-in & subscriber profiles that can help you improve the engagement rates for your subscribers.


MailMarketing is an email marketing tool that focuses on the open rates and engagement of your subscribers. This company has developed a tracking platform that can help you to identify how effective your campaigns are, which in turn will help you to see what content is working for you and what isn’t. Their reporting features include information on who opened your emails and where they were sent from, as well as details such as what device was used to view your content.


Klaviyo is an email marketing tool that is currently being used by over 10,000 businesses worldwide, so it’s one you need to consider using. It does require some technical knowledge, so it’s not as easy to use as some of the other tools available on the market- but it is more effective. With Klaviyo you can create segmented lists for your subscribers which means that you can send relevant content to people based on their location or interests. You can also use this tool to automate your campaigns so you can send out automated welcome emails.


MailJet is a tool that can be used in the cloud and on your PC. With this email marketing tool, you can get started quickly with one-click auto responders, meaning that there isn’t any setup required. You can also create professional-looking emails to help improve the engagement rate of your content. Mailjet works particularly well if you want to send newsletters because it has a flexible design that can ensure your email always looks great.

Get Response

Get Response is a tool that will help you to build your email list and get more people onto it. This company has been around for over 10 years, which is a good indication of how well they can help small businesses. They have several useful features such as an autoresponder that enables you to create automated campaigns, drip campaigns, and templates that can be customized as your business needs evolve. Get Response also has a mobile app so you don’t have to worry about sending out campaigns whilst on the go!


Email marketing is the most cost-effective form of digital advertising. We covered some of the tools and methods you can utilize to help improve your email open and engagement rates, as well as methods to get more people subscribed to an email newsletter. 

As affiliates, all of us should utilize email more and to a bigger extent. Email marketing is a powerful way to grow your business and get more people on board with your product. Whether you’re looking for an easy-to-use email template, or want to automate the process of sending out campaigns so that they’re less time-consuming, there are plenty of tools available online that can help. In this article, we covered MailChimp, Aweber, MailMarketing, Klaviyo, and Get Response to give you an idea of what you should be looking for. 

Do you use email marketing for your business? What are your tips to increase open and engagement rates? Share your knowledge with us in the comments below!

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