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Top Impactful PPC Ad Extensions

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Most ads simply don't convert well. There are a lot of reasons behind it, and trying to fix some of them and increase conversion rates is something that most affiliates struggle with. One of the things that you can influence is your ad extensions. They can make a huge difference so you should try and utilize them as much as possible!

What are PPC Ads and How do Ad Extensions Fit In?

PPC ads are those little boxes that show up on the search engine results pages (SERPs) whenever someone types in a query. They're essentially tiny advertisements, and they can be a great way to get your site seen by potential customers. 

The problem is that most people simply don't click on them. In fact, the average click-through rate (CTR) for PPC ads is less than 2%. That means that out of every 100 people who see your ad, only two of them will click on it.

Ad extensions are essentially additional features that you can add to your PPC ad to make it more likely to be clicked on.  They can be things like a phone number, additional images, or even directions to your business. 

The goal is to make your ad more relevant and useful to potential customers, which will hopefully increase the CTR.

PPC Ad Extensions

Paid search is one of the most efficient and effective ways to reach your target audience. And when it comes to paid search, nothing is more important than your ad extensions. Ad extensions are the extra bits of information that appear under your ad text, and they can make a difference in your results. 

If you're not using ad extensions, you're missing out on a big opportunity to improve your results. Sitelink extensions, call extensions, location extensions, review extensions, and many more, are all great options that can have a big impact on your CTR. So if you're not using ad extensions, now is the time to start.

Here are some of the most impactful PPC ad extensions:

Sitelink Extensions

Sitelink extensions are one of the most important ad extensions, and they can influence your click-through rate (CTR). 

Sitelink extensions allow you to add up to four additional links to your ad, giving users quick access to different pages on your website. These links can be very effective in driving traffic to specific pages on your site, such as your product page or your contact page.

Most popular websites use this to help users find specific sections such as download pages, pricing pages, login, home, etc. 

Call Extensions

Call extensions are one of the simpler additions you can add to your link, but they are also one of the more impactful ones. These extensions allow you to add a phone number to your ad, making it easy for users to contact you. 

This is a great way to increase leads, and it can also be very effective in driving sales. Call extensions work perfectly for businesses that focus on phone calls such as restaurants taking deliveries, or call centers. 

Location Extensions

Location extensions are another great ad extension, and they can be very beneficial for local businesses. Location extensions allow you to add your business address and phone number to your ad, making it easy for users to find you. 

You can consider these an addition to the previously mentioned call ext. This is a great way to increase foot traffic to your business, and it can also be very effective in driving sales.

This is not that useful for online-only businesses, but for retail stores with physical locations, it's almost a must nowadays!

Image Extensions

Most people perceive images more often than text, and a lot of statistics show the same. Most affiliates know this when making advertising campaigns. 

The ad text doesn't have nearly as much influence on performance as the creatives (images/videos) have. The same applies to PPC Ads as well. Image extensions enhance the impact your ad is making, and they can help you bring drastically more clicks to your ad. 

Price Extensions

Price extensions are a great way to show users your product price, and they can be very effective in driving sales. Price extensions allow you to list the prices of your products or services, making it easy for users to see what you're offering. 

This is a great way to increase confidence in your product, and it can also be very effective in driving sales. Price extensions work perfectly for businesses that focus on selling products or services online. 

Review Extensions

Review extensions are newer ad extensions, but they can already be very impactful. Review extensions allow you to add third-party reviews of your product or service to your ad, giving potential customers even more confidence in your offering. 

This is a great way to build trust with your target audience, and it can also be very effective in driving sales. Social proof is a big aspect of online buying, especially for new brands, so make sure you utilize this extension to the max. 

App Extensions

App extensions are perfect for businesses that have a mobile app. App extensions allow you to add your app to your ad, making it easy for users to download it. 

This is a great way to increase downloads of your app, and it can also be very effective in driving sales. App extensions work perfectly for businesses that focus on selling products or services through a mobile app. 

Choose the right extensions for your business 

When it comes to creating a successful PPC ad campaign, there are a lot of moving parts. You need to choose the right keywords, write compelling ad copy, and set up an effective bidding strategy. But one often overlooked element of a successful campaign is ad extensions.

Before committing to any ad extensions, it's important to understand what each one offers and how it can benefit your business. Ad extensions are a great way to improve your click-through rate, increase leads, and drive sales. 

Sit down and plan your ad campaign 

Choose the ad extensions that will work best for your business. There's no need to use all of them, but a few well-chosen ad extensions can make a big impact on your results.

Test, measure, and optimize your extensions

As with anything in PPC, it's important to test, measure, and optimize your ad extensions. Try different combinations of ad extensions and see what works best for your business. Ad extensions are a great way to improve your PPC campaigns, so make sure you're using them to the fullest extent.

When creating a PPC ad campaign, ad extensions should be an integral part of your strategy. Ad extensions are a great way to improve your click-through rate, increase leads, and drive sales. Choose the right ad extensions for your business and make sure you're using them to the fullest extent. 


There are many different types of ad extensions, and each has its benefits. You should experiment with different ad extensions to see which ones work best for your business. 

The most important thing is to make sure you're using ad extensions that are relevant to your business and that will add value for your users.

Don't neglect ad extensions, they can be a powerful tool in your PPC arsenal!

What are your thoughts on ad extensions? What are your favorite ad extensions to use? Let us know in the comments below!

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