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Quick Tips for a Successful Email Re-Engagement

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Email is one of the most effective channels for marketing. It's a no-brainer that marketers love it so much, it is affordable, easy to do, and quite effective – but how do we make the best of this channel?

This is a question most affiliates ask themselves somewhere in their career. After all, how many times have you received an invitation to a webinar or a conference but decided not to participate? At least a couple of times, right? But what if that source tried to get to you in another way? What if they offered you something you truly are interested in? If they manage to do exactly that, then they managed to successfully re-engage you and turn you into a potential customer.

Why Is Email So Important For Affiliate Marketing?

The main goal of any affiliate is, undoubtedly, to make money. To do so, you need two things:

First, you need traffic. Traffic gives you a chance to influence people. With the right message and proper channel usage, you will be able to create conversions that can turn into commissionable actions or sales for your business. Second, you need the right message. This is just as important as traffic because if your message doesn't work, then people will not convert even if they are on your website.

But what drives most affiliates crazy are the conversion rates that come at a very high cost for this channel. Even sending an e-mail to 5 000 people may bring you only a couple of click-throughs. Not so many, huh?

That's why email re-engagement is so important. It allows you to reach out, again and again, giving the recipients time to get used to your brand or maybe even product. In other words, it gives you a chance to have people convert at a later stage.

Why Is Re-Engagement So Effective With Email?

Finding the right person to advertise to is the most difficult part of the process. Some marketers spend years finding the right audience they should advertise to. Once you find those people it is important to keep them and give them what they want.

Not all of them will buy something from you on the first or even second try, but that doesn't mean that you can't get through to them. Re-engagement campaigns are so effective because you don't have to find new people. You already know them and you know what they want as well as their interests, so why not send them an offer that is relevant to them?

If you manage to do this right you can make sure that your re-engagement campaign is not just profitable but can also help you find new customers.

How To Re-Engage With Email?

This is a very interesting question, as the answer depends on the type of marketer you are and what kind of offers you send. You can't just send emails with your banner added to it, as people will most likely hit "delete".

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when you want to re-engage your leads.

1. Show them that their time is valuable

Wasting your audience's time will get you nowhere. Long emails that explain things in detail are a horrible way to do things in general. Keep your emails short, sweet, and straight to the point. This way you will show your audience that you respect their time, and if they want to learn more about what you offer, they can click on the link you provided in the mail itself.

2. Offer something relevant to them

Once you've made sure that people want to see your offer you need to make sure it is relevant to them. 

For example, if you want to re-engage with a specific group of people, sending them an offer that doesn't have anything in common with their interests probably won't work.

You can send out offers that are similar or even identical to the ones they received the last time. The idea is not to trick your prospects but to re-engage with them in a way that makes you relevant to them again.

3. Keep it fresh

You have to understand that people will only stay interested if you keep providing them with content they are interested in, otherwise they will just leave. This is why it is important to keep your offers fresh and relevant.

You can send out the same offer again (with some tweaks), but if you want to be really successful you need to make sure that it is as relevant to them as possible. This way they will actually be engaged in what you have to offer.

4. Do Your Research Beforehand

Some tools allow you to do research beforehand, so you can see what kind of offers your prospects respond well to, so you won't waste a lot of time and money on something they don't find relevant.

Before creating a re-engagement campaign it is important to know what your prospects are interested in, so you know exactly how to re-engage them successfully.

That is why it's important to research the market before creating a campaign. Sometimes you might have an idea of what they want without doing any research or you can get some ideas from similar sources. But you need to have at least some initial idea of what you want to offer, as that will help a lot with the campaign.

5. Make it Personal

Sending generic re-engagement offers only works sometimes and only if the product is something people are really interested in.

You can make those offers more personal by adding some small details like your prospects' name, occupation, interests, or something from your last engagement efforts or even information about new services you provide.

This way you aren't just sending something you believe might be popular or relevant, but by adding some personal touches to the offer you show your leads that it's time for them to come back into the game and that you value their attention.

6. Utilize Creatives

Your re-engagement offers should be designed in such a way that they can get noticed and easily understood. You want to make sure you utilize all the available resources, including visuals, so your prospects don't miss out on any important details.

This part of the campaign must consider everything: font size and color, the message of your offer, how you present it, and so on.  The goal is to get them engaged with what you're saying and show that they should respond to you because you have an offer they will be interested in.

7. Be Persistent

Every time someone opens the email from a re-engagement campaign or clicks on one of your links, you're reinforcing the fact that they were interested in your offer earlier. This makes them more likely to respond when you do send them a new offer from that same source.

To be successful with this kind of offer, you need to be persistent and send at least a few every month. There is a sweet spot of frequency you need to hit. Not too much so you don't get annoying, but not too little that they forget about you.  

What Mistakes Are Common With Re-Engagement Campaigns?

In most cases when a re-engagement campaign goes wrong, it's because the marketer didn't do their research. In other words, they just sent the same offer again without having any idea what kind of response to expect from these leads.

When you don't have anything in common with your prospects or you send them something that isn't relevant in any way to them, they will most likely mark you as spam and ignore you.

Another mistake that marketers make with re-engaging their prospects is making silly mistakes in the copy or not using proper formatting (for example, having text in all capital letters). This might work for some, but it's not something most people find appealing.

You need to remember that even if they were interested before, you'll still have to convince them this time so give them every reason why they should reply.

Final Words

As you can see, there are a few things that can be done to make re-engagement campaigns successful and this is definitely an area where the more effort you put into it, the better results you will get.

Make sure your prospects find what they're getting interesting enough and give them as many reasons as possible to reply so they don't delete the email without giving it a second thought.

Always keep in mind that you need to make everything as easy for them as possible, so they know what to do and how quickly they can benefit from your offer. As long as you follow these rules, re-engagement campaigns will be successful for you too. You just have to make the necessary effort and the results will surely follow.

What are your tips for re-engagement emails? What kind of results did you get from them? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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